Previously only available in Africa, this 6 inch “Micro Shooter” coil for White’s GMT has been made available for the general public as requested. It’s been called “The Patch-Killer,” “That French Coil,” or “I Can’t Pronounce the Name,” but tireuris French for shooter. If you are after every bit of gold in an area, this shooter coil belongs in your GMT’s arsenal.
Specially-tuned for mineralized ground, this nugget-sniping loop is a beast on small gold. Coupled with the GMT’s high 48kHz frequency, it’s highly sensitive to the smallest flakes of gold your machine can detect. The small profile makes it ideal for detecting in brush or rocky hill-sides, and with the small detection window you can more easily pick through tailing piles and areas with bits of iron from past mining operations.
SKU: 801-3250-1